One of the things I like about Monica Canducci is that you never know what she’s going to tell you. In one way or another, she always amazes you and takes you to unexpected shores. And when I started to read “Turn to Heal” for the first time, I had no idea how interesting, deep and forming this story would be, lived and told in first person by the author herself; an unusual story that is, as she says, “… A story within a story… Inside the History...”. A sort of initiation journey to the discovery and rediscovery of ourselves, of our potential, of the full awareness of body and spirit.
I’ve always loved art and dance, but I must say I never knew who Vaslav Nijinsky was, until I’ve met Monica. And at the same time, as she tells in the first part of the book, she either did not know this extraordinary dancer who died in the mid ‘900 when his spirit entered her life… And her body. An impetuous, passionate, irrepressible spirit coming with a purpose, and bringing Monica to learn how it is important to take care of ourselves, of our physicality in order to grow spiritually. A story of trans-incarnation, of crossed boundaries between life and death, of cohesion between body and spirit, of celebrated love and vanished love. And it actually is the meeting with Nijinsky that will push Monica to discover more about the spiritual world, the world around her and the world within.
But Monica Canducci is not the only author of the book. Nijinsky himself feels the need to give something more, to reflect and to bring order to the fragments of his life, to the tragedies before and after his internment in a psychiatric hospital. To the clean, clear, fluid style of the author, the fragmented and eccentric style of the famous dancer joins in the second part of the book in order to tell two parts, two points of view of a whole One.
Turn to Heal, because it is really the search of ourselves and of our own knowledge that can enrich our being, and that can heal what stops us and what tears us apart, inwardly and outwardly. The path is long, not always linear or simple, and the author certainly knows now. And are we all aware of our potential and of what we could improve our lives simply working on our being?
The book is in Italian by now, and you can find it in eBook on Amazon. But do not worry if you cannot speak Italian, because the English version will be released in late spring. I voted “Turn to Heal – Dancing beyond” 5/5 stars, and I’m suggesting you to enjoy this wonderful reading as soon as possible.
And… Do not miss the book trailer! 😀
Viljial Chnaal – May the path be in your favour!